This next update kind of looks like an old high school yearbook … It’s book V-02, entitled “Portraits“, which contains 100 photos of select US&S employees and associates. Perhaps the Has-Been community knew some of these people? Corrections welcome – and if you find yourself or someone you’d like a Hi-Res scan of, just drop me a line and I’ll see what I can do. Enjoy!
Monthly Archives: January 2012
Electro-Pneumatic Interlocking Photos
This weekend’s update is photos from book D-1, titled “E.P. Interlocking”. A huge THANK YOU goes out to Kendrick Bisset for allowing me to scan these. Below is the E.P. machine from Cincinnati Union Terminal:While this machine no longer exists – the track model is preserved and on display at the Cincinnati Museum Center. There’s also a photo of the 72-Unit Push Button E.P machine at Belt Railway of Chicago’s Clearing Yard:
You can read about this installation at Clearing Yard in the August, 1915 edition of Signal Engineer (page 235). There’s also a great article on the PRR’s Northumberland yard from November, 1911, which also featured Push Button EP machines. I’m still searching for an online copy of this article.
You’ll also catch a glimpse into the life of a maintainer every once and a while in some of these photos, including this guy, who probably needs a bigger hammer. If only photos could talk… 🙂
Enjoy – And again, thank you Kendrick for these fine photos.
Hump Yard & Car Retarders, R thru U
Included in this last update is a category called “Shop Photos”, which includes photos of equipment in and around the Union Switch property.
This “Model 31 & 32 Car Retarder exhibit in Sale Promotion Center”. would make an interesting paper- weight – providing your desk was big enough to support it! 🙂 I wonder if its still around somewhere?
There’s also outside photos, showing various car retarders being installed and tested in the US&S yard – this one caught my eye because it also shows a whole row of relay cases, and even a classic Ford pickup truck. Enjoy!
Hump Yard & Car Retarders, H thru P
Two more Hump & Retarder books online, two more to go…
There’s some photos from DL&W’s Hampton Yard (Near Scranton, PA), including a few night photos, dated from 1937.
And some construction photos like this one, which answer the age-old question of how many cranes it took to install a car retarder – at L&N’s Hills Park/Tilford Yard. 🙂
You’ll also find this photo of Illinois Central’s Markham Yard machine being tested in Dept. 58 at Swissvale, along with other shots of the machine and test racks:
And finally, lots and lots of photos of the Velac equipment drawers, circuit boards, and RF units from Canadian National’s Montreal Yard. RF units like these were used to transmit a radar frequency and to detect the difference (Doppler) frequency between the transmitted and received signals to detect the speed of the rolling cars. Further reading about the Velac VR-1 system can be found here.
R thru U coming soon. Enjoy!