Just in time for Turkey day …. Three more albums for you to browse thru instead of watching those boring-ass parades on the telly all day.
Shop Photos – all sorts of miscellaneous items, machines, close ups, and code equipment. Many of these photos can be seen in various bulletins and pamphlets . Pictured is a 510 code demo setup – complete with a B60 machine for the office and cabinet to display controls and simulate field indications. Neat!

Solid State State Systems – transistorized boards, code equipment, computer boards. Some of these photos are repeats seen in other books – industrial controls, pipeline, etc.
Special Photos – Illustrations, line drawings, miscellaneous photos, and closeups – all bound in one chapter that didn’t seem to fit in with any of the others. Many of these can be seen in various US&S literature over the years too.
With these updates, this completes all scanning and posting of the books in the current collection. Unless I missed something, which is possible. And it only took 6 years! Hopefully more groups or books may surface over time – if you have any and would kindly share, I’ll put your name up in lights and credit you.
I hope to start adding some other bits of USS history to this site now – maybe some catalogs, UD notes, signal engineer articles, not sure yet. We’ll see in coming months.
Thank you all for your encouragement and kind words over the years! -Rich