Most viewed - Switches

Switch layout west of Wells Beach passing siding - Dover to Rigby CTC - B.& M.R.R.58 views

Control point looking east at Rollinsford - Dover to Rigby CTC - B.& M.R.R.58 views



SL-26 Electric Switch Lock (closed)58 views

SL-20 Lock58 views

SL-20 Lock58 views

Looking west toward S-1 spring switch layout on Wabash at Brimingham58 views

S-2 Mechanical Facing Point Lock near W.Elizabeth, Pa., on the Penna. R.R.58 views

S-2 mechanical facing point lock - C.M.St.P.& P.58 views

S-2 Machine - Browns Run - Monongahela Rwy.58 views

Spring switches at end of double track Rinaker and Plainview, Ill., Alton RR58 views

Spring switch, west end of passing track at Carden, Kan. near Marysville - Union Pacific Railroad58 views

S-21 Switch Movement58 views

SL-26 Electric Switch Lock as applied to T-20 Switch Stand58 views

A.C.L. Waycross to Jessup - T-21 at Doctortown Drawbridge58 views

Looking east at BJ Interlocking, Rutherford, N.J., Erie Railroad58 views

Remote Style M-10 Layout on SW approach57 views

Style A-5 E.P Switch Movement57 views

M-22-B Movement57 views

Style M-22 Switch & Lock Movement57 views

C.T.C. Installation, Red Oak to Balfour - C.B.& Q.RR57 views

U-5 Circuit Control Switch57 views

Switch layout East end of passing siding at Wells Beach - Dover to Rigby CTC - B.& M.RR57 views

B.& M.RR57 views

Switch layout east end of Wells Beach passing siding - Dover to Rigby CTC - B.& M.RR57 views

SL-26 Electric Switch Lock as applied to Operating Lever Stand for center of crossover installation57 views

Passenger train trailing through S-1 mechanically locked spring switch at 50 m.p.h., Birmingham, Mo. - Wabash RR57 views

S-2 Mechanical Facing Point Lock near W.Elizabeth, Pa., on the Penna. R.R.57 views

S-2 machine at Huron, Pa., Monongahela Rwy.57 views

Spring switches at end of double track Rinaker and Plainview, Ill., Alton Railroad57 views

Chicago, Great Western - Spring Switch Installation57 views
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