Last additions - Remote Control of Trains

Arizona Public Service (Remote Control) Pneumatic Equipment on right and Electrical Equipment Box on left- Dynamotor on top of Electrical Equipment Box33 viewsSep 28, 2012

Arizona Public Service (Remote Control) Radio Receiver mounting in Locomotive cab (temporary radio)31 viewsSep 28, 2012

Arizona Public Service (Remote Control) Pneumatic Equipment Box31 viewsSep 28, 2012

Line Termination Unit (open)32 viewsSep 28, 2012

EMD RCS2 Dynamotor Power Supply30 viewsSep 28, 2012

Line Termination Unit (closed)30 viewsSep 28, 2012

EMD RCS2 Radio Antenna31 viewsSep 28, 2012

EMD RCS2 Pneumatic Equipment Box29 viewsSep 28, 2012

EMD RCS2 Transmitter & Control Unit26 viewsSep 28, 2012

EMD RCS2 Electrical Equipment Box33 viewsSep 28, 2012

EMD RCS2 Transmitter & Control Unit29 viewsSep 28, 2012

L&N RR Remote Control of Locomotive (Panel) - Florence, Alabama (back)30 viewsSep 28, 2012

Locomotive Remote Control and Retarder Control Cabinet - Bethlehem Steel Co. Lehigh Plant26 viewsSep 28, 2012

L&N RR Remote Control of Locomotive (Panel) - Florence, Alabama (front)29 viewsSep 28, 2012

Locomotive Remote Control and Retarder Control Cabinet - Bethlehem Steel Co. Lehigh Plant25 viewsSep 28, 2012

Locomotive Remote Control and Retarder Control Cabinet - Bethlehem Steel Co. Lehigh Plant27 viewsSep 28, 2012

Locomotive Remote Control and Retarder Control Cabinet - Bethlehem Steel Co. Lehigh Plant30 viewsSep 28, 2012

Transportation Services, Inc. - Rail to Barge Coal Transfer - Florence, Alabama30 viewsLocomotive equipment covers in placeSep 28, 2012

Transportation Services, Inc. - Rail to Barge Coal Transfer - Florence, Alabama30 viewsJohn Link, Superintendent, at remote control panelSep 28, 2012

Transportation Services, Inc. - Rail to Barge Coal Transfer - Florence, Alabama32 viewsLocomotive equipment covers removedSep 28, 2012

Transportation Services, Inc. - Rail to Barge Coal Transfer - Florence, Alabama33 viewsO.B. Keister, President, at remote control panelSep 28, 2012

Transportation Services, Inc. - Rail to Barge Coal Transfer - Florence, Alabama28 viewsO.B. Keister, President, at remote control panelSep 28, 2012

Transportation Services, Inc. - Rail to Barge Coal Transfer - Florence, Alabama29 viewsAutomatic Uncoupler on locomotiveSep 28, 2012

Transportation Services, Inc. - Rail to Barge Coal Transfer - Florence, Alabama26 viewsAutomatic Uncoupler on locomotiveSep 28, 2012

Transportation Services, Inc. - Rail to Barge Coal Transfer - Florence, Alabama27 viewsBarges being loadedSep 28, 2012

Transportation Services, Inc. - Rail to Barge Coal Transfer - Florence, Alabama30 viewsBarges being loadedSep 28, 2012

Transportation Services, Inc. - Rail to Barge Coal Transfer - Florence, Alabama31 viewsConveyor belt and control "cabin" structureSep 28, 2012

Transportation Services, Inc. - Rail to Barge Coal Transfer - Florence, Alabama29 viewsNext to last car in string being dumpedSep 28, 2012

Transportation Services, Inc. - Rail to Barge Coal Transfer - Florence, Alabama31 viewsCar being shaken and dumped. Control "Cabin" and conveyor belt structure in background.Sep 28, 2012

Transportation Services, Inc. - Rail to Barge Coal Transfer - Florence, Alabama26 viewsCar being dumped and shakenSep 28, 2012

Transportation Services, Inc. - Rail to Barge Coal Transfer - Florence, Alabama30 viewsCar being dumped and shakenSep 28, 2012

Transportation Services, Inc. - Rail to Barge Coal Transfer - Florence, Alabama33 viewsLocomotive, dumper, and car shaker as seen from control towerSep 28, 2012